Monday, December 17, 2007

Very Very Very Bad Dream

Ok I think this is the worst dream I have ever had in my entire life, and I've had a few of them. Kinda makes me a little leery about sleep tonight. I guess that's why I am sitting here typing it out so i can really see how ridiculous it really was. It started out the girls and I were sitting on the davenport watching a Christmas movie after lunch. Some one knocks on the door. I tell Meeko to go lay down as I open up the door. There are 5 Chinese people standing there. 3 Females and 2 Males. 1 female is maybe 45 - 50 and the other 2 are in their 20's. 1 male is about 50 and the other about 20. One of the 20 year old females asks if I adopted any children from China. I tell her yes, 2 girls. She asks me where they are from and I tell her JiangXi and HuNan. The girls get nosey at this point and come to the Door. In my gut I know something bad is going to happen but for some reason I can't stop it. Genevieve gets there first and saks who they are. Then the older lady calls out Lan Lan. Abigail turns to look and screams Aiya Aiya then MaMa BaBa. My heart sinks to my gut. The first lady who was talking asks if they can come in. I tell them NO. Abigail is beating my legs trying to get out as I am trying to close the door. In the mean time Genevieve goes to the back door and walks around the front and shows them the way in through the back and through the kitchen. All this while I am trying to pry Abigail away from the front door. I look up and they are all standing there. Abigail runs to the younger lady who is not talking to me and she begins to talk to Abigail in mandarin and Abigail is responding. All the while she is calling her MaMa. The older lady is rubbing Abigail's face and crying. The younger man is as well. The lady who has been speaking the entire time to me tells me she is their interpreter. The young couple is Abigail's parents and the older couple is her foster family.Her parents had full contact with her the whole time she was in foster care. They only placed her in the basket on the street so she could be found and get the surgeries she needed to be a normal child. They wanted her back after that. I told them we have not had the surgeries yet because she needs to weigh 35 lbs. Now they don't care is she has it or not. The interpreter tells me they have hired and atty here in the states to get her back. The whole time this conversation is going on my dog, Meeko is barking. Well I wake up to find he is really barking because he needs to go out. I Don't like those kind of dreams. They really sucks.


RamblingMother said...

The sad thing is something like this happened in the US with a Chinese child placed in foster care by the Chinese parents and now they are taking them all back to china. I think this is at the heart of every adoptive parent.


forever sisters... said...

Oh Julia, that is more like a nightmare. One reason we went with China was the no contact with birth parents. Not that our girls shouldn't know them, but I was now their mother. My biggest fear was someone coming to take them back. Hopefully, that is the last time you will dream that.