Friday, October 21, 2011

Autumn Moon Festival

Autumn Moon Festival last month was allot of fun. Every year we make lanterns, light them and set them afloat down the river. As we turn them loose we say a prayer and a thank you to the birth families still in China. The girls really enjoy this. Especially afterwords when we go get ice-cream. This year we had 2 new additions to our little group. Of course our beautiful "C", and then newest addition just came home from China 2 months ago. She is 5 yrs old and belongs to a dear friend of ours. My niece joined in the fun this year.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Look who was Baptised

One of many of the things "C" struggled with was Christianity. I guess maybe it wasn't a struggle so much as what it was knowing what the real definition of a Christian was. She had previously been taught one thing and it had left a sour taste in her mouth. She had decided that she did not want to be a Christian. After being with us 11 months she decided that she really did like being a Christian if it was the way she was now living her life. This meant giving unto others in the community and family. Not the giving of $$$$ so much as the giving of your time and compassion for people. Volunteering to help others who may need it. Letting go and giving your troubles to God. He can handle it so much better than we can. Loving people for who they are and not who we want them to be is also a big factor. Anyway she decided she wanted to be Baptized and accept Jesus Christ into her life. What a beautiful smile she has
The last time I was in China I bought an extra Jade cross. it was unknown why then but I felt the need to buy an extra one. i say an extra one because I bought one for "G" the first time i traveled so she would have it at the time of her baptism. I then bought one for "A". As I was buying it I felt the need to buy one more. It sat in my dresser since 2005. I ran across it 3 months ago. Wow talk about God Bumps. I knew then why I bought it.

This is the life -

Our newest Grandson is now 5 months old I love snuggling down and taking a snooze with him. It's funny how life stops for a baby. The dishes set, the laundry sets, the world goes by and we just snuggle.