Thursday, August 2, 2012

sur·vive (sr-vv)
v. sur·vived, sur·viv·ing, sur·vives
1. To remain alive or in existence.
2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere:
3. To remain functional or usable:
4. To live, persist, or remain usable through:
5. To cope with (a trauma or setback); persevere after: survived child abuse.

I found the definition of survivor in the online dictionary.  This is the photo that should be next to it. 

 We had to go to an orthopedic sports medicine specialist yesterday after our family Dr said he could not figure out her problem. 
After the exam he asked how much I knew about her life in the orphanage and about the orphanage itself.  I told him minimal. He then said we would talk further later about probable causes for past injury.  He then informed me he would not be able to help us, This is beyond his realm of expertise.  He is taking it to the table Friday.  The table is a group of orthopedic Dr's who meet at Notre Dame and attempt to brain storm on the best ways to handle "unique"cases, as he called it.  He then referred us to a Dr at the University of Michigan.  We are waiting for the call of an appt date. 

This is an amazing kid.  To go through EVERYTHING in life she has been through and still be who she is totally amazes me.  A smart, caring, sensitive, loving person despite living in HELL. 

I grew up in the epitome of dysfunctional homes.  I also have made it through so much in my adulthood, but nothing compares to what this baby has been through in her short 16 yrs of life.