Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Darling A hunting eggs. G runs so fast I need to get a new camera with high speed to keep up with her.
Easter was great. we had most of the kids over and the grandkids as well. Our oldest girl was not here because Grandchild #10 was born a few days before. We also were missing a son, he was in Chicago. As you can tell in the picture 2 more grandchildren are due any moment. We also were missing a few grandkids. They had so much fun hunting eggs and eating stuffed cabbage. I can't say enough how blessed our lives are. C was definatley a missing link that we didn't know was missing. She is absolutely in love with "FatFat" as she calls her niece Riley, and Riley loves her. The boys loved playing basketball like they did when they were young'uns again. They didn't feel like young'uns the next day though. :>)
Teaching her Fat Fat to walk. They went up and down the drive way. Look at those smiles
Isn't that smile the prettiest thing ever. Its hard to believe she was a preemie weighing in it just 4 lbs.
So excited about finding eggs. She looks just like her daddy did at that age. Sometimes I have to wonder what part her mommy played in her besides just carrying her in her belly :>)
What Nana I'm not going down the steps to look for eggs.
Life can be so serious sometimes. I'm OK right here in Nana's arms.

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