Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lunar New Year 2011

Genevieve says they look like jungle girls in these outfits. I just laugh, until I see the dance and then I kinda agreee.
The 3 girls posing for Mom.
What a real Beauty. This dance was one of my favorites.
Decorating for the Lunar New Year is one of our favorite things to do. What a blast. Each year we find things we forgot we had.
The entrance way promises good luck and fortune. Boy we could use some of that fortune :>)
This was one of the craft projects the girls did this year. Each year we do a new one.
The placemats were done a few years ago. I had no idea then why I made one, but I guess I know now. I had to have one for our 3rd daughter that would join us.
I will post some videos later from the performance. The crew has to approve which ones I post. :>)

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