Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our Little Miss Abigail is an amizing website that walks a person through the whole process of all of her surgeries. It is Way Cool. We have taken the first steps to beginning Abigail's many surgeries. But before we can begin in April the plastic surgeon said we need to get her lungs as clear as possible for 8 weeks straight. Yea Right. This from a Reactive Airway Disease Patient. She has now come in with pneumonia. We have changed all of her medications around and are taking a VERY VERY VERY aggressive approach to keep her healthy. This includes no outside play under 50 degrees, a face mask when she goes from the house to the car or store or school, hooking to her breathing machine 2Xs a day instead of PRN, and active steroids to keep the lungs clear. Besides trying to do all this we need to prepare her for surgery the 23rd of this month. He wanted to do it earlier, but I begged him to let her perform, she has rehearsed so hard. Her last performance is the 21st. This surgery is for what we thought was the good ear. She is losing hearing in it now. They want to go in clean up what ever is wrong and repair what ever is necessary.

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