Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A day in the Life

I know everything happens for a reason. I also know God placed Genevieve in our family because we ARE her family. These facts alone are what makes it easier for me to get through the days when Genevieve is having one of her "Not Good" days. I will say, they're not as frequent as before but they are still often. I know one day she will learn how to maintain her emotions and behaviors, but for now it's day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute. I now get hugs in the morning, and I Love You's. This is a big step for us. Our next step is to get her to the point where she does not EXPLODE when she is being corrected, not disciplined, just corrected. When I say explode, that could be an understatement on most days. Our other goal is to get her to the point where she can focus a little better and sleep through the night. Miss Princess Genevieve is still walking around at night because she can not sleep and getting up to watch TV. This of course creates a VERY grumpy little girl in the morning because of lack of sleep. All these factors create who she is and how she behaves. I know I'm rambling, but today was not one of our better days. She did not sleep well last night and in turn had a rough day. Especially when she came home. It's as if it takes all she has to get through the day and appear OK so by the time she gets home she needs to just let it all hang out. Everyone around her catches her frustration at the slightest things.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! This kind of sounds like Lia! We never know what will set off one of her "explosions". She is one VERY complex person. It helps knowing that we aren't the only ones.
